
Hi evfurrybody it’s Oliver here!

I just caught and ate my first fly!

(Well, the first one Scott witnessed…)


Filed under Food

19 responses to “Achievement

  1. Good for you! Crunchy AND fun! Oliver, Mommy is laughing at how excited she is over your achievement…hee hee!

  2. Well done Oliver. They are yummy aren’t they.

  3. Hurrah, Oliver! Derry says to go for the moths or dragonflies (or dragonfly-like insects). The wings are very crunchy and yummy!

  4. Paws up!!!! Yummy times.

  5. Well done Oliver!!! My boys are all big fly hunters and always look extremely pleased with themselves after a successful capture and consume…just like you do in this picture 🙂

  6. How is it , Oliver ?
    I never taste it ! I just smacked it down with my paws and leave it for my mom. But she was so rude ! she never eat it

  7. Brave Oliver. Defender of the territory. (and they are fund to chase too).

  8. Oliver I am so proud! I have caught a fly once before but I didn’t eat it.

  9. The Mighty Hunter!!!

    The Chans

  10. ::clapping paws::

    Well done my furriend! There’s nothing quite as satisfying as catching your own snacks.

  11. Congratulations! We bet it was yummy!!

  12. Fen

    Alex and Tamika say wait til you eat moths with all the powdery stuff on them! Tastes strange!

  13. Delisus! We catch them all da time in summer ~ it saves mom having to use spray in the house! MOL!

  14. Good going, Oliver! You’re wise to keep those hunting instincts honed, for a cat never knows when he will need them.

  15. Congratulations! But I have to say, those tiny white moths are the best of the best.
    -Luna Kitty

  16. Hi Oliver! Wow, congrats on getting and eating your first fly! That is a huge achievement! We have missed you and Ruby while we haven’t been visiting – please tell her we said hi to her too!!

  17. Congratulations Oliver – are you going to give Ruby instructions on fly eating?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. Flies are DELCIOUS, Tofu says. Mom gets grossed out.

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