Monthly Archives: August 2011

My New Bowl

Well hello there!

I am very excited as my new bowl has just arrived!

It’s from Emma Bridgewater and has my name hand-painted on it.

All around the edges are dancing mice!

Isn’t it great? It’s making me hungry!


Filed under Food

Easy Like Sunday

Hi everyone it’s Ruby here! Actually that’s me just behind Oliver. I have just been enjoying some snuggle time with my brother. Later will come chasing time with my sister Rose.

Scott says Oliver is developing his adult male British Shorthair face – small teddy-bear ears, big jowls and smiley whisker pads. Scott calls Oliver his “roly-poly pudding” but Oliver is on a diet (we all are even though Rose and I don’t need it!).

Today we helped Mark and Scott sort out the big cupboard under the stairs – we had never been in there before! It was exciting and a little scary at the same time. I quite liked the cobweb broom but not the Wet and Dry Vacuum.


Filed under Relaxing

My Latest Photo Shoot

Well hello there! This is Miss Rose! I was happily relaxing in the basket this afternoon when I became the subject of an impromptu photo shoot. I began to suspect that this happens quite often in this house.

Scott thought I looked very relaxed – as is my wont.

Did I tell you that Ruby licked my head this afternoon?

Here’s a couple of close-ups.

I find back-lighting very flattering.


Filed under Relaxing

Oliver’s Observations

Hi evfurrybody it’s Oliver here!

Yoo would not believe all the things going on at the howse this morning!

Furst of all the men returned to fix the drain in the backyard, so there was plenty to snoopervise there. Then I heard chainsaws owt the front! There were men owtside chopping the nasty weedy saplings that had been growing in the neighbour’s yard. Scott was glad to see them go as they weren’t proper trees – just “suckers” that had grown out of the grownd by themselves from old root systems. They were very close to our boundary fence and house and were interfering wif our nice silver birches where we watch Berd TV. In the wind they would slap against our windows (even upstairs – that’s how tall they were).

Yoo can see one of them close to the window here. The men chopped them all down and put them in the giant mulcher.

Scott now has a much nicer view of the howses across the road. He says he is sorry for the glass looking dirty but there’s no point cleaning the windows as they will be soon replaced wif double-glazing.

Luckily fings have calmed down this afternoon so I can catch up on some napping.

Scott insists on including a shot of my back paw. Can yoo see that my toes are a nice aubergine colour?


Filed under Around the House

Miss Rose Relaxes

Miss Rose Says Relax.


Filed under Relaxing

Ruby’s Musings

Hi everyone it’s Ruby here! Don’t worry – I’m not feeling nearly as crabulated as I look in this photo.

We are all looking forward to Mark returning from Australia this evening – we like it when the whole family is together.

As for Rose – I am getting more and more tolerant of her each day. We do play some chasing games and last night the three of us did thundering herds together, which has never happened before.

Oliver is getting closer to Rose than I am. They sometimes do a wrestle and the other night Scott saw Rose lick Oliver’s head. Regardless, Oliver and I still have our special relationship – we groom each other and nap with each other all the time. Our behaviour is going back to normal. Scott was worried when Oliver stopped bringing mouseys into the room to get pats but he started doing that again the other night too.

Scott also secretly finds time for he and I to be together. He tells me I am still his special girl and sings the ‘Ruby-Lu Song’ quietly to me. I like that.



Filed under Family

On Growing Up

Hi evfurrybody it’s Oliver here!

As a young mancat-in-training I have always been growing but Scott says all of a sudden I have turned from a plump yet muscular boy cat into a handsome man-about-town.

I think perhaps part of it is that he has a little kitten like Rose to compare me to. He weighed me the other day and said I’m 5.5 kilograms (about 12 pounds for American readers). Auntie Jane suggested I was getting a little too husky so I’ll have to start working the stairs and the fevver-on- a-stick a bit more.

Anyway, I’d better get back to my nap – I’m certain that sleeping’s an impawtant part of the growing process.


Filed under Growing Up

Oliver and Rose’s First Wrestle


Filed under Fun, Home Movies

Oliver on Romance

Hi evfurrybody it’s Oliver here!

Did yoo know that BOTH my sisfurs now have boyfriends? Tee hee!

Miss Wendy commented yesterday and said that I should have a GERLFRIEND.

I’m not sure I am allowed ‘cos I have heard Scott say things like “Oliver’s not ready for such things”, “No girl could be good enough for my Oliver” and “Oliver will always be my boy”. That’s OK  – I already have two sisfurs and they’re enough trouble!

Maybe I’ll lie upside down wif my paws in the air and fink abowt it a bit more.


Filed under Romance

Miss Rose on Romance

Well hello there! This is Miss Rose.

I know I am only young but I am very mature for my age, so Scott has approved me seeing my new beau – his name is Gengi!

Genji is a handsome and stylish young mancat from France: a blue Abyssininan with the most lovely eyes!

I think we should have our first date in Paris – don’t you? I am practising my French. Je voudrais le plateau de langoustine. (I think I just asked for the lobster platter!)


Filed under Romance