The Delivfurry!

Hi evfurrybody it’s Oliver!

Yoo know, today we have had the suck monster chasing us all day, which is unyooshual ‘cos it normally happens on Fridays. Scott says he is cleaning the howse today ‘cos he’s going away later in the week and needs to leave the howse nice for me and my sisfurs and Mark.

Anyway, things had quietened down when we got a delivfurry through the door! Ruby loves noo boxes and here she is making sure she owns the box by rolling around all over it.

I then had to give it an inspeckshun. We both love to chew the plastic straps.

See? Rose stayed in the kitchen for this bit. I think she just like us to get on wif it cos she’s not that fussed.

Do yoo know what was inside? That’s right – our litter!

Ahem, quite a lot of litter. That’s cos we are indoor cats. Scott says that it’s typical that we like the most expensive litter yoo can buy!

Then Ruby discovered something else in the box.

Hooray! Food! Ten kilograms of it!

It’s even got a pitcher of Ruby on it!

Scott took the food downstairs into the lower ground floor. He puts it into these big drums for safekeeping. There is one drum for this food, which Rose likes to eat (even though she’s still a kitten!). The food Ruby and I eat goes in the other drum. We don’t eat the British Shorthair food anymore ‘cos it’s too big – Ruby doesn’t have enough teef to really get crunching on big crunchies and I find they get stuck in the back of my jaw where my wisdom teeth were taken owt.

Yoo see, British Shorthair crunchies are very big and hard and that’s meant to keep teeth healthy and develop the jaw muscles that give us our big round faces. Anyway, we like Royal Canin Exigent instead, which are smaller and very tasty.

Ruby wants to turn on the treadmill.

Rose doesn’t really like coming downstairs to the lower ground floor – she prefers to wait for us to come back up. Perhaps she’s skerred.

Just in case there’s a ghost down there she had her vampire eyes on. Most cats have yellow or green “laser eyes” when the camera flashes, but Rose has red ones! Ruby says she will explain it to us all in a later post ‘cos she’s been reading about colourpoint cats.


Filed under Around the House

20 responses to “The Delivfurry!

  1. Ah, you are all so beautiful. And boxes are good. Boxes are a gift in themselves.
    We can’t wait for the explanation about Roses ‘vampire eyes’.

  2. You’re all very well stocked with food and litter now, which is great. We hope you all had an opportunity to play in that pawsome box too!

  3. I like your food bins, where did you get them? Casper sometimes gets vampire lasers in photos too because he is a blue-eyed boy 🙂

  4. That is a great box – take it in turns and no arguing over who’s first!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. We love when our foodables get delivered, cuz mom always orders us a treat, too!! We think Miss Rose’s Vampire eyes are most scary!!

    -Bart and Ruby

  6. #1 is always saying that she can’t get over how much litter is used up with the 4 of us and our 6 litterboxes!

    The Chans

  7. Oh, what a nice blog you have.
    My name is Pernille, and I’m a girl-cat.
    I’m new in bloglandia, and if you want to, you’re welcome to visit my blog:
    Hugs from Pernille from Norway XXX

  8. You three have both ends, erm, covered!

  9. That was a good box all full of good stuff. We love your food bins. We haven’t visited enough because we see that Rose is all grown up. She is so beautiful . Wow, we are impressed with her. Not that your aren’t goreous too Ruby and Oliver, you are especially handsome. We sure hope all of you have a great day.

  10. Wow you also have Royal canin cuties.

    Truls and Sudden

  11. OMC, Ruby, Oliver and Rose that is the biggest most wonderful looking barrel of food I’ve ever, in my almost 10 years, seen. So I have an offer you can’t refuse…I’m gray (and white) and will fit right in with the gray theme you have…so how about I jet over the pond and come help you eat all those foodables. I think you need a taster to be sure it is of the very best quality. so what do you say?

  12. Deliveries are fun especially the box! The foods look yummy! We bet Rose’s red eyes keep those ghosts downstairs!

  13. Buying the big bags is a sure sign that someone will lose their appetite for their favorites. I have those biscuits sometimes Miss Rose, but aren’t as slim as you.

  14. Whoa! I’ll bet that is almost a squillion TONS of food! You are so lucky!

  15. Wow, I bet you guys NEVER run out of food or litter! Boodie gets red eyes sometimes like Rose – of course, that is because she has the meezer coloring too!

  16. It’s so exciting to get a delivery!! And that box is pretty cool too!!

  17. Never mind the contents ~ the box is awesome! xx

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